PeakMoment TV 214 - Rocket Stoves - Hot, Healthy, Efficient
Date: Mon Jan 04 2021 ; Tags: Aprovecho

Peak Moment 214: Mike Hatfield says the magic of a rocket stove is getting the heat into what you're trying to heat. His tour of a rocket stove reflects designs perfected for decades at Aprovecho Research Center in rural Oregon. They also test and suggest improvements to stoves from developing countries, aiming to reduce smoke to help children's respiratory health. Fred Colgan shows specialized stove parts and assembly jigs he ships to developing countries, where local people construct rocket stoves from mostly local materials. Appropriate technology at its best!
Audio, transcript and high-quality video of this show at
Source: peakmoment
Peak Moment 214: Mike Hatfield says the magic of a rocket stove is getting the heat into what you're trying to heat. His tour of a rocket stove reflects desi...