Real cooking
Real cooking
Cooking with Cabbage
- How to Make Sauerkraut Making lacto-fermented sauerkraut with a Harsch fermenting crock. Don't let the size of the crocks scare you off.
- Making Sauerkraut in Alaska Cabbage even grows in Alaska, making it a dish for Alaska.
- Making Sauerkraut with Gardener Scott A step by step explanation and demonstration of making sauerkraut.
- Sauerkraut Making lacto-fermented sauerkraut is beyond easy.
Making Cheese at Home
- Homemade Feta Cheese Making Feta Cheese is relatively simple - The process takes a couple days, but none of the steps are terribly hard.
- Homemade Feta Cheese Making hillbilly feta cheese
- Making Romanian brânza the traditional ways (face brânza) In Romania every city has at least one farmers market open every day (Piata). The brânza sellers have excellent freshly made cheese. These videos show how that cheese is made, and even discusses the economics of farmers who make cheese.
- Homemade Sour Cream in Minutes Making Sour Cream is so simple - it's just whipping cream and lemon juice.
- Homemade Whipped Cream Making Whipped Cream is just whipping some whipping cream
Cooking with Cabbage