Sustainable Personal Finance - Living Beneath Your Means
Personal finance and investment resources have exploded with the rise of the Internet. This guide aims to help you know:
- What's available?
- What lessons can one learn from personal finance?
- What does personal finance mean in our lives?
Like most I had poor education about personal finance while growing up. I had an allowance, a paper route, and various part time jobs, so I had money coming in, but had no clue what role money played in my life, nor how to manage the money effectively. As a result I built credit card debt totalling over $35,000 and teetered on the edge of bankruptcy, but came back from that through learning to manage my personal finances and am looking towards creating financial independance.
A core lesson I learned is this: How you use your money reflects your willingness to have power in your life. Having a pile of money and investments in your back pocket let's you tell the boss "take this job and shove it" more readily when the need arises. Not having a cushion of money and investments means being trapped into taking any crap the bossman dishes out.
The question I have for you is: What dream have you been unable to accomplish due to poorly aligned financial life and a lack of funds?
Sustainable Personal Finance - Living Beneath Your Means
Credit and Debt
- Living beneath your means, or simple(r) living
- Credit, Credit Cards and Debt, oh my!
- Credit ratings, and you
- Credit Reporting
- Getting out of debt; Staying out of debt
- Promotional credit card rates, ignore or use?
- Selling the house/stock/car/etc to pay off debts?
- Should you sell stock to pay credit card debt?
- Zen and the art of rewards-paying credit cards
- Income, debt and your life
- Investing
- Living beneath your means, or simple(r) living
- The money machine
- Money saving tips
- Personal Finance web sites
Credit and Debt