Irish coverage of 1989 Romanian Revolution
Date: Mon Jan 04 2021 ; Tags: Romania
Immediately after Romania's revolution against its Communist dictator, an Irish TV network sent a reporter to Romania. He put together a most interesting report showing little-known images, videos and information. A key question about the Romanian revolution is the context it occurred in, following other revolutions in Russia, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Poland and elsewhere. Was that wave of revolutions because of Western forces causing those revolutions? In the case of Romania, it's curious that in a country with a brutally draconian approach to dissent that any revolution had any chance of taking hold. The documentary shows video and images from Timisoara, where this revolution started, claiming there were spontaneous organically started by the people following a brutal response to a small protest. That much is the well known official history. But evidence is shown the Timisoara Army garrison joining to support the protesters, which was key to the revolution succeeding rather than being violently quashed. The suggestion being that the Romanian Military decided to opportunistically use organically started protests in Timisoara to force overturning the Communist government. The Military garrison in Timisoara is unlikely to have acted on its own. Instead the military command in Bucharest and other garrisons around the country are likely to have jointly agreed to allow these protests to grow into a full revolution. The bloodshed (over 2000 people died) came because Securitate and the regular Military acted under different command structures, and had different plans for the Romania's future.